Morgan Stanley had a good one last week. The presenter was a bit dry, but the information was excellent. Among some interesting trends were shadow inventory rapidly declining, Millenial demographics moving towards home ownership, continued home ownership declines (now at about 65%), and modest – – but real – – increases in 2015. We will be back to one million starts though, to be fair, the increase is largely due to multifamily, much of which is rental.
I’m happy and proud to be President of the New Home Council for 2015. Our year ended with a great Roaring 20’s party at Hurme’s house (by the way, he promises some live music next year), and huge plans for events and such this year. We are over 900 members and want to reach the magic 1,000 number this year. So, if you are not a member, click on the link and sign up. There is no charge.